The 4 weeks here have definitely gone quickly! This has been the longest I’ve spent in 1 place so far this trip but its gone so quick and I definitely wouldn’t have minded a few more weeks here. I feel quite at home here! Maybe its because of the nice people I’ve met here and because I really like it at the place I’m working here. Last week at work went very well. At the start of the week, I was very worried because I was really struggling with the work I’m doing. I was stuck on the same problem for 5 days and was trying everything I could think of with no joy. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get it working before I leave and if I can’t finish the work, then it means my time here has been wasted as they can’t use the work I’ve done until it is all finished and set up and they don’t have anyone who can pick up from where I left it. I’ve struggled with setting up the Linux server as I’ve never really used Linux before. For anyone not familiar with Linux, it has a similar function to Windows but is free, and it is command based so you just type commands into the computer and it does stuff! You have to know what commands you need to type for the action you want and the commands are very powerful so you can really wreak havoc if you don’t know what you’re doing…which I don’t…! I’ve also been very distracted with other issues. I seem to just be the general IT person at the school. People bring me laptops with all sorts of issues and just ask me to fix it! I feel like telling them I’m actually not a tech support person and have no idea but instead I just try and in most cases, I’ve been able to help them which is good. I made lots of progress last week Thursday though and finally cracked the problem I had been struggling with so I have been able to set up the Linux server for them with logins and shared folders for the students. All I have to do this week now is to set up all the laptops they have to be able to connect to the server, create logins for all 300 students, set up a backup system for them, and then document everything and I’ll be done and happy! My parents will be coming to see me for a week from Saturday so I’m pretty excited. It will be really nice to see them after 10 weeks and it will be their 1st time in Asia so I’m really looking forward to showing them around and showing them why I love it out here! The food is definitely a big part of the reason and I’m already planning where and what we’ll be eating! We’ll be spending 3 nights in Singapore and 2 nights in Bangkok before I fly out to Chiang Mai to start my next project.
Last week in Cambodia
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