In the last month, as the trip nears the end, I have been thinking a lot about going back to the UK and about the future, thinking about what I want to do, and 1 thing is clear, I am not ready to go back! Not even slightly ready! I almost feel like I have just got started. The idea of going back to my old life is just not appealing at all! I’ve been reading a book recently which had some thoughts which I love. It talks about occasionally doing things that seem kinda outrageous to you and the people around you. Surprise yourself sometimes. Don’t let your life get boring and predictable. It made me laugh because that’s exactly how I had been living life until recently, boring and predictable! Playing it safe. And now I was discovering pretty much a new way of living. One filled with adventure and risk taking and unpredictability and fun and just doing what’s on my heart instead of what’s expected of me. It’s quite fitting really that this blog is titled ‘Life starts here’! I love the changes in me and I don’t want it to end here, I just want more of this!
So with a bit of money left over, I decided that I was going to extend the trip. I originally planned to just stay out here and maybe spend a few more months in Asia before coming to Australia, but I didn’t like the idea of being away from my family at Christmas so I decided to go home for Christmas, stay a few weeks and then leave again. I booked my flight back out to Thailand before I left Australia because I knew that once I got back, it would be so easy to just drift back into my old life just because it’s the easy option so I’m going back home, but not to stay.