Monthly Archives: October 2013

Business as usual

Its been quite busy here at the shelter. There have been more visiting schools, so we have been busy helping to organise fun activities for them to do with the girls there. We have had activities such as competitions eating a donut hanging from the ceiling on a piece of string without touching it while racing against other teams, and also getting all 12 members of each team to cross from 1 side of the patio to the other without touching the ground and only using a selection of materials which included a bin bag, a piece of cardboard, a leaf, a brick, and a piece of rope. It was quite funny watching the elaborate methods the girls came up with initially, before one team realised that all they had to do was rip up the bin bag into small pieces big enough to step on, and they could all just get across by stepping on the pieces!
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We also recently had a group from Sydney who organised an afternoon of t-shirt designing and painting with the girls which was a lot of fun for them.

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Weekend English classes are going well, I’m teaching the youngest class so its hard work! They get bored and distracted very easily so I have to try and make the lessons very fun and incorporate lots of games and activities. I’m really enjoying the adult classes that I teach during the week. The class are really fun and they are so keen to learn which makes it really enjoyable to teach them. We do more of practising conversation and role playing.

During our days off, the volunteers go into the city and indulge in massages and manicures, as well as lots of shopping and eating! Last weekend, I did a 5 hour bike tour through the countryside which was really cool.

I have less than one week left here, and then I have 10 days off before my last volunteering stint. During my 10 day break, I’ll be going to Penang in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, and then the Gili Islands and Bali so I’m pretty excited. My friend Sabina has decided to fly over from Sydney and join me for the 10 days so I’m even more excited about it! I haven’t seen her 10 months so it will be pretty amazing to see her again!