Monthly Archives: May 2013


I used to have this silly joke with a friend, whenever we would see someone not doing their job properly, for example waiting to be served while staff just stand around daydreaming, we would shout P45! So it made me laugh when I received my very own P45 in the post. I am now officially unemployed! My younger brother has suggested that I consider signing on! Feels very strange though after 8 years working in the same team. I still remember when I joined as an intern just 20 years old. Looking back, I can see how much I have grown over those 8 years. I’ve worked with some great people during that time. It’s true that you spend more waking hours with your work colleagues than you do with your friends and family so they end up being a significant part of your life. My last day in the office was harder than I expected. The lead-up wasn’t so bad so I didn’t really see it coming. I think I forgot how crap I am at goodbyes! Most of the day just felt a bit surreal. I knew it was my last day, but at the same time, it just felt like a normal day in the office. It wasn’t until I started saying goodbye to people one by one that it really started to hit me and it was a struggle trying to stay composed! I managed to hold it together until the last goodbye of the day at which point the tears started coming! I packed up my things shortly after and started to make my way out only to realise that my security pass no longer worked! Clearly security had been a bit quick in deactivating it and I was now locked in the building! Luckily I found someone to swipe me out, heading down to reception, handed in my pass, and walked out for the very last time. It definitely feels like the end of an era. As the only job I’ve had since university, it was hard leaving. I think when something is all you’ve really known, it’s sometimes hard to imagine life outside of it. It starts defining who you are. Especially when you feel like you have put so much into it. It’s hard walking away.
Well now a few days later, I have learnt to let go and make the most of where I am now. I am embracing funemployment and everything it brings. Spending time with family, sleeping in, lazy brunches, playing my guitar, reading a book, basking in the rare moments of sunshine, and preparing for the adventure that awaits me in just 26 days!

The journey begins

So the journey started a few months ago when I started asking myself some hard questions – when I look back at this time in my life, what will I remember? Will I be happy with that? Or will there be any regrets? Am I really making the most of this time in my life? I wasn’t happy with the answers to these questions, but what could I do about it? That’s just life! You get caught up in a routine, and next thing you know, years have flown by!

Well the opportunity came, to leave the routine behind for a while, and do something different. Go travelling, volunteering, the opportunity to help people and do something that I will be proud of when I look back at my life while exploring new countries, experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, making new friends, learning new things about myself, sounds pretty amazing right? But yet IĀ agonised over it for so long! Why? Well I’ve always been a stick to what you know kinda girl. Don’t rock the boat. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I’m happy, comfortable, and to be honest the idea of leaving my life here behind and travelling to the other side of the world, on my own, scares the crap out of me!

But well, I couldn’t shake the feeling of having had the opportunity, and not taking it because I bottled it! The fear of looking back in regret haunts me more than the fear of changing things now. I know it’s very likely that I will love it and will quite possibly never look back! Just need to take the step. So I decided! Booked my flights, quit my job, and I fly out in 35 days!

6 weeks in India, 4 weeks in Cambodia, 4 nights in Singapore, 3 nights in Hong Kong, 11 weeks in Thailand, a month in Australia…the journey begins!